Compassionate Nursing Home Death Attorneys in Highland Park, NJ, Assist Bereaved Families in Filing Wrongful Death Claims in Mercer County, Middlesex County, Somerset County, and Throughout New Jersey
Whether the death of your loved one in a nursing home was completely unexpected or an outcome you felt helpless to stop, the loss has affected your family forever. You deserve answers about the nursing home’s role in your family member’s death and, if it turns out neglect or abuse contributed to a preventable death, compensation for your family’s losses. You can count on the New Jersey nursing home wrongful death lawyers at the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr to uncover the truth about a death in a nursing home.
It costs nothing to have your case reviewed by an experienced nursing home wrongful death lawyer. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
Seek Justice for Your Injury. Contact The Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr for Experienced Representation Today.
Nursing Home Wrongful Death Claims in New Jersey
Deaths aren’t uncommon in nursing homes, where many of the residents are already elderly or in poor health when they arrive at the facility. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect aren’t uncommon in skilled nursing facilities, either. Family members across New Jersey have good reason to wonder whether abuse or neglect played a role in a loved one’s death in a nursing home, especially if the death seemed in any way suspicious, sudden, or avoidable.
Of the more than 350 nursing homes recognized by the New Jersey Department of Health, over a third reported only one-star or two-star ratings under the Federal Five-Star Quality Rating System. Even if you did plenty of research before choosing a skilled nursing facility to care for your loved one, it’s not unlikely that there’s some room for improvement at the nursing home where your loved one passed away.
Where Can Our New Jersey Nursing Home Wrongful Death Lawyers Assist Your Family?
For bereaved families, our New Jersey nursing home wrongful death lawyers offer complimentary consultations during which you can get your questions answered and provide the basic facts we need to launch an investigation.
From our office in Highland Park, NJ, we represent families throughout:
- Burlington County
- Essex County
- Hudson County
- Hunterdon County
- Mercer County
- Middlesex County
- Monmouth County
- Morris County
- Ocean County
- Somerset County
- Union County
Grieving families across New Jersey turn to our attorneys for compassionate handling of their claims. Your family member’s life mattered, and so does the impact their untimely death has had on you. We’re prepared to investigate any potential abuse or neglect and hold nursing home facilities and the personnel who perpetrated this abuse accountable.
- ★★★★★
"Excellent law firm. Mr. Gerr is extremely knowledgeable and personable. He has a genuine interest in his clients. His staff is great also."
T.D. View All Client Reviews
Can You Sue a Nursing Home for Wrongful Death?
When a loved one has died in a nursing home and a case can be made (and backed by evidence) that abuse or neglect caused or contributed to their passing, you may have the grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit claim.
A wrongful death lawsuit is a type of civil legal action in which the plaintiff, usually an immediate family member, seeks financial compensation for damages arising out of a death that was avoidable and caused through some form of negligence, abuse, or neglect.
Examples of wrongful deaths that occur in nursing homes include:
- Deaths due to medication errors (not receiving the resident’s medication, receiving too much or too little of the medication, or receiving the wrong medication)
- Deaths due to malnutrition or dehydration, or complications from either condition
- Deaths due to falls
- Deaths due to fractures and other serious injuries sustained in nursing home accidents or through abuse
- Deaths due to the complications of bed sores, including grade four pressure ulcers and infections
- Deaths due to preventable infections of other kinds, especially where unsanitary practices in the nursing home contributed to the spread of infection
- Deaths due to failures to appropriately care for the resident’s medical equipment, including tracheostomy tubes, breathing tubes, and oxygen concentrator machines
- Deaths due to mismanagement of the resident’s medical conditions
Abuse, neglect, and negligence occurring in nursing homes can take many forms. If you believe the loss of your loved one constitutes a wrongful death, our knowledgeable nursing home injury attorneys can help you explore your family’s legal rights and options.
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How to Sue a Nursing Home for Negligence and Wrongful Death
Undertaking a wrongful death lawsuit against a nursing home requires you to go through the legal process.
You will need to:
- Understand legal deadlines and requirements
- Formally file legal documents like a complaint
- Gather evidence to support your claims of abuse or neglect
- Document your damages.
To secure the financial compensation your family deserves, you will need to either negotiate a settlement out of court or present your case at a trial.
Consulting our nursing home death attorneys in Highland Park, NJ, is the first step in undertaking a wrongful death lawsuit against a skilled nursing facility.
How Our New Jersey Nursing Home Wrongful Death Lawyers Can Help Your Family
Suing a nursing home for wrongful death is certainly possible, but it’s not easy. You’re going to need professional guidance to navigate the legal process.
Our nursing home death attorneys in Highland Park, NJ, are prepared to conduct a thorough investigation of nursing home personnel’s actions and the facility’s policies and use that evidence to build a compelling case against the nursing home. Throughout every stage of the lawsuit process, you can count on us to advocate for you, answer all of your questions, and handle every aspect of the legal matter so there’s no additional stress on your family.
Get the Compensation You Deserve. Let The Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr Fight for Your Rights. Call Us Today at 732-537-8570 or Fill Out Our Convenient Online Contact Form For a Free Consultation.
Contact Our New Jersey Nursing Home Wrongful Death Lawyers at the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr Today for a Free Case Review
Families who have lost a loved one have the right to consult New Jersey nursing home wrongful death lawyers about their legal rights and options. It’s okay if you aren’t sure yet whether the nursing home is to blame for the death. You can have an experienced attorney review the facts of the case and investigate the care your loved one received to determine whether abuse or neglect occurred.
For help from a nursing home wrongful death attorney in Highland Park, NJ, contact the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr online or call 732-537-8570 today.