Edison is one of the most populated cities in New Jersey, and it serves as a hub for distribution and industry for most of the Northeastern Corridor. The potential for personal injuries in the city is very high because of the large number of industrial sites, retail locations, public utility facilities, and public spaces. People driving and walking through the city must understand their rights and how they should respond to an accident.
Victims should speak to an Edison personal injury lawyer as soon as possible about compensation for these accidents and the victim’s losses. These injuries require swift action and attention from a legal professional. Victims should not delay so that the case can be filed within the two-year statute of limitations in New Jersey.
Although these accidents involve complicated liability issues, they must be litigated as much as possible to prevent accidents in the future. A range of individuals, businesses, or government divisions may be named in these lawsuits, and the compensation recovered is the only thing that can help victims recover fully.
Seek Justice for Your Injury. Contact The Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr for Experienced Representation Today.
What Happens if I am Injured at an Industrial Park?

Edison hosts some of the largest industrial parks in the United States, and within these properties are massive manufacturing, distribution, and wholesale facilities. Heller Industrial Park, Hadley Industrial Park, and Raritan Center serve to increase traffic in the region. Raritan Center alone is the largest industrial park east of the Mississippi River. Moreover, these facilities are more dangerous than a standard warehouse or retail store.
Retail stores and shopping malls are held to the same standards. Common areas around these properties are the responsibility of the owner of the property. Individual units must be maintained by the tenant to prevent injuries, and the owner of the property may be held liable if it never responded to repair or maintenance requests from a tenant.
Are Public Utilities Liable for My Injuries?
Public utilities maintain massive facilities around Edison. Water treatment plants along with electrical operations are dangerous, but they accept visitors every day. Someone who is near one of these plants could be exposed to toxic substances, or a person who must enter one of these facilities could be injured. Public utility repairs may also cause severe injuries after steam releases, gas leaks, floods, and power surges. Although workers may have made mistakes, the utility provider is ultimately responsible for any accident it causes.
What Should I Do if I am Injured in a Construction Accident?
Construction accidents are common simply because there are so many hazards on a worksite. Construction workers may qualify for Workers’ Compensation, or they may act as independent contractors. Tools or building materials may be defective. At times, a pre-assembled scaffold or frame might fall apart. Third-party lawsuits also allow victims to file claims against manufacturers or suppliers who may have caused accidents. Construction vehicles are equally dangerous as they flow through job sites every day. Stored chemicals may catch fire or explode, and workers may be exposed to asbestos or other chemicals in the process.
Checking power cables helps prevent electrocutions while workers are using power tools. Moreover, workers should not use tools with power cables that appear to be taped or have obvious tears or punctures. Power sources should be checked to ensure they work properly, and employees should not work near standing water, as this can contribute to electrocutions. Lifting in teams, working in pairs, and surveying a worksite before using dangerous tools help prevent injuries. Workers should report even the most minor injuries, and it helps to receive medical attention as soon as possible.
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Can I Sue if I am Hurt in Public Spaces?
Public parks, government buildings, and other public facilities must remain in good condition. As people walk through large parks, such as Thomas Edison Park in the southeastern corner of the city, they might trip over imbalanced concrete, stumble over cracks in the sidewalk, or trip over debris. Children could be injured on playgrounds, or victims might fall downstairs.
City government is held to the same standards. For example, someone who enters a city building and slips on a wet floor may file suit to recover damages because the city is responsible for keeping the facility in top condition. Roads throughout the area are the responsibility of the city in many cases, and the city is also responsible for its fleet vehicles.
At times, a lawyer may need to investigate which agency is responsible for the roads or maintenance of particular spaces. For example, highways in Edison may be overseen by the New Jersey Department of Transportation or the New Jersey Turnpike Authority.
Can I Sue After a Dog Attack?
Dog owners are required to keep control of their pets and follow local statutes governing pet ownership, to prevent dog bites and animal attacks. In Edison, pet owners must register dogs over seven months of age. Moreover, dog owners must prove that their pets are properly vaccinated against rabies. Rabies alone is a dangerous disorder that proves fatal in most cases if humans exhibit symptoms after being bitten by an infected animal.
Dogs in Edison cannot run free at any time. Although dog owners can keep their pets unleashed on their premises, they must use a leash the moment they leave their property. Additionally, dogs that are kept outside must be tethered to prevent attacks or escapes. Dog owners assume responsibility for damage caused by their pets, and the city reserves the right to impound dogs it deems vicious.
Someone who enters a property with an untethered dog or who does not realize a dog is present may also file suit if they are attacked. For example, a public utility worker arrives to read the electric meter. A dog on the property is untethered or not tethered properly and attacks the utility worker. The worker may file suit against the owner because precautions were not taken, and warnings were not issued.
What is Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice is a broad term that covers a wide range of mistakes made by medical professionals. Common instances of malpractice include the following:
Misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose. A misdiagnosis or failure to diagnose a disease, especially when treating a progressive condition such as cancer, constitutes malpractice. Patients only have so much time to recover or seek aggressive treatment, and medical professionals who do not perform their due diligence may cost patients their lives or quality of life.
Writing improper prescriptions. The wrong medication can be deadly for patients as they may suffer from an allergic reaction or violent interaction with another medication. Certain medical conditions can cause violent reactions in a patient, and their compromised state may lead to severe illness or death.
Improperly filling prescriptions. This situation is equally dangerous because pharmacists must give patients the appropriate medication in the appropriate dosage. The pharmacist must provide appropriate instructions for taking said medication, and they must provide a consultation if the patient requires one. Missteps at any point during this process can lead to a claim for medical malpractice.
Improper treatment plans. A plan of treatment that is inappropriate for the condition often proves deadly for patients who should undergo a treatment plan that is better suited to their current medical status. For example, someone who is too sick to undergo a particular surgery must receive noninvasive treatment. If a doctor proceeds with a dangerous procedure, they can be held liable for the victim’s injuries or death.
Ignoring obvious symptoms. A doctor ignoring a patient’s symptoms may lead to even more severe problems in the future. For example, a patient comes in explaining that they are tired all the time. Doctors know that there are many reasons for tiredness but sending the patient home with an order to get more sleep simply does not provide a satisfactory treatment. Doctors must have tests performed and exhaust their options when investigating any medical condition.
Ignoring pain and suffering. Ignoring the pain and suffering of patients inside a medical facility is a dangerous game played by dismissive medical professionals. Someone who needs pain medication, or another form of palliative, care must receive that care under the Hippocratic Oath: Do no harm. Although doctors and nurses are not expected to feed drugs to their patients, they are expected to take the patient’s complaints seriously.
Birth injuries. Injuries to a newborn child and mother often occur when doctors, delivery nurses, and/or midwives do not use the appropriate techniques to assist during birth. Medical tools and equipment may be employed during delivery, but these tools must be used in such a way that they do not injure the mother or the baby.
Brute force might also be used to move the baby into the proper position, and injuries to the mother and child can result. Children who suffer from these injuries may find themselves dealing with chronic conditions such as palsies and even delayed development.
Surgical errors. These include any tiny misstep during a surgical procedure. Medical tools or devices could be left in the patient, but the surgery itself may not have been completed properly, leading to further injury.
Anesthesia errors. A mistake in administering anesthesia may kill a patient who simply cannot wake up from anesthesia or seriously harm a patient who can feel pain during the procedure.
Misdiagnosis by a therapist. An error in diagnosis by a therapist may lead to a massive decline on the part of the patient because they are not receiving the help they need. If the patient exhibits symptoms of suicidal ideation or expresses dark thoughts, therapists have a duty to alert a guardian or parent, seek inpatient care for their client, or refer the patient to a psychiatrist who can prescribe mood-altering medications. In the absence of these critical steps, the patient could commit suicide, die, or deteriorate so much that they cannot enjoy the quality of life they deserve.
Nursing home abuse/neglect. Abuse or neglect may involve nursing home personnel who are ignoring patients or not providing appropriate care. However, doctors and nurses inside nursing homes may commit medical malpractice that goes completely unnoticed because an elderly patient does not receive visitors, or they do not realize there is an issue.
Patients in any setting should seek counsel when they believe they are a victim of medical malpractice. Someone who experiences neglect may have recovered from the situation, but they are left with psychological scars and medical issues that persist. If necessary, the family of someone who dies because of medical malpractice may file suit to recover damages.
- $1 MPedestrian Accident
- $845 KCommercial Truck Accident
- $275 KSlip and Fall Accident
Are Car Accidents Compensable?
Car accidents in the region occur every day because the city is packed with people who must maintain a daily routine. Accidents can involve anything from another passenger vehicle to a massive truck hauling heavy cargo. If another driver is responsible for the accident, they face a lawsuit alone. Drivers of large trucks can be sued when they exhibit poor judgment or violate Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) rules.
Avoiding accidents requires as much diligence as a driver can muster. Motorists should remove distractions from their vehicle by setting cell phones on a specialized mount or setting them to the side. Drivers can hand a cell phone to a passenger so that they can send texts or call out directions during a long trip. Drivers must slow down, keep both hands on the wheel, and use the hazard lights if weather conditions cause visibility to drop significantly. Distracted or reckless drivers can face a lawsuit if they cause accidents or injuries.
Truck drivers may be placed in dangerous situations by their employers, or the owner may not service the truck properly. Additionally, both car and truck manufacturers may be guilty of building defective vehicles or using defective parts. Pinpointing the liable parties in the case requires a full investigation from a lawyer.
For example, a truck’s brakes might fail, causing the vehicle to swerve wildly and sideswipe a passenger car. When the passenger car runs off the road and rolls over, investigators may discover that the body of the vehicle was not built properly, causing the vehicle to break up and cause severe injuries.
Can I Sue if I am Injured While Using Public Transportation?
Public transportation is popular in North Jersey, as passengers use NJ Transit buses or trains, board PATH ferries, or use Coach USA suburban buses. Mass transit accidents may occur on the train, bus, or ferry, on the platform, or while passengers are waiting in an enclosure.
Operators working for NJ Transit, PATH, or Coach USA must manage their vehicles properly and follow strict safety guidelines. Someone injured as a result of the negligence of a driver or operator may sue the driver for their part in the accident. If the company did not maintain the vehicle, boat, or platform, it can be held liable for injuries occurring in those locations.
Victims may slip and fall on any of these vehicles, or the vehicles may crash because of operator error or improper maintenance of the track or vehicle. Ferries may catch fire, capsize, or sink. Uncovering who is responsible for these disasters helps lawyers recover damages for every victim.
How Should I Handle Severe Injuries or Burns?
Burn injuries often fall under either premises or products liability. Someone who slips on the marble floor of a large office building may suffer a serious or catastrophic injury, leaving them with a lifetime or ailments to manage. A homeowner can also be held liable for these injuries because they are expected to keep their properties in good condition.
For example, residents of Edison must remove all ice and snow from their sidewalks to prevent injuries among the populace. Homeowners who fail to do so can be cited by the city and face a civil lawsuit for their negligence. If homeowners host a party on a deck that needs repairs, the homeowner is liable for damages when the deck collapses, injuring several people in attendance.
Products liability points to manufacturers when their products fail. A child who chokes on the broken pieces of a toy that should not present a choking hazard has been injured because of the manufacturer’s negligence. If a defective pressure cooker explodes, burning the person at home cooking, the manufacturer can be sued. Moreover, appliance manufacturers can be sued when their devices cause home fires, electrocutions, floods, injuries, or deaths.
Get the Compensation You Deserve. Let The Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr Fight for Your Rights. Call Us Today at 732-537-8570 or Fill Out Our Convenient Online Contact Form For a Free Consultation.
Can I Recover Compensation for My Injuries?
Accident victims can recover compensation for their injuries or toxic exposure, but they must review their litigation options with a lawyer before proceeding with a lawsuit. These cases require as much evidence as the victim can provide and a lawyer can find. Using this evidence, lawyers carefully determine the exact amount their client is due for a range of losses, including the following:
Medical expenses. These are the most common loss after a personal injury. Victims require medical attention at the time of the accident, and they might continue to accumulate medical debt even after they have recovered physically. For the most part, victims need help with emergency medical bills, doctor’s visits, and medications. A medical expert can come forward to explain that the victim also requires counseling, additional surgeries, or medical equipment to live a normal life.
Lost income. Compensation for lost income should cover every moment that the victim could not get back to work. These expenses often include a loss of earning potential because the victim cannot progress through their career or industry properly. For example, a craftsman who once created detailed pieces daily may need to change jobs or train in a new field that does not pay nearly as much money as they once made. Personal injury lawsuits should pay for the difference in income so that the victim can live comfortably.
Emotional distress. This is a catch-all phrase used to describe the turmoil the victim faces after the accident. Victims might suffer from vivid flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, a complete loss of motivation, and other mental conditions that might arise. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), alcoholism, dissociative identity disorder, borderline personality disorder, and other conditions might be triggered by a traumatic event, such as an injury accident.
Pain and suffering. Another catch-all phrase, pain and suffering, is used by lawyers to describe how their client’s lives are shaped by the pain of recovery. Someone who is recovering from a terrible fall in a public park might have chronic hip pain or walk with a limp because their body cannot reach a state of full recovery. Victims suffering from head injuries might experience severe headaches or a lack of focus. Anything that makes the victim’s life more difficult falls under this heading.
Punitive damages. New Jersey courts may award punitive damages to punish egregious, wanton, or malicious behavior on the part of the defendant. These damages are not guaranteed, but when awarded, they can total five times the compensatory damages or $350,000.
Wrongful death. Damages for wrongful death compensate beneficiaries, dependents, and immediate family members after the death of a loved one. A lawyer helps the family choose an eligible dependent or administrator to file the lawsuit. These suits seek damages similar to those of a personal injury lawsuit, but they also petition for burial costs, final expenses, and the loss of services or companionship on the part of the family.
Why Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Everyone needs a personal injury lawyer to represent them in settlement negotiations or in open court. Filing a claim for personal injury damages requires quite a bit of research along with a tireless dedication to victim’s rights. When victims bring their case to a lawyer, they go through a consultation in which the lawyer can determine the merits of the case. After an investigation, the lawyer can file suit against all responsible parties.
Lawsuits lead to a response from the defendant or defendants, and they may seek to negotiate a settlement. Victims may accept a settlement and move on with their lives, or they might go to trial if they believe the defendant is not offering fair compensation. During the legal process, victims can reach out to their lawyers at any time for advice or assistance.
Personal Injury Areas Served
- Middlesex County Personal Injury Lawyers
- East Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers
- Edison Personal Injury Lawyers
- Metuchen Personal Injury Lawyers
- New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers
- North Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers
- Old Bridge Personal Injury Lawyers
- Perth Amboy Personal Injury Lawyers
- Piscataway Personal Injury Lawyers
- Sayreville Personal Injury Lawyers
- South Amboy Personal Injury Lawyers
- South Plainfield Personal Injury Lawyers
- South River Personal Injury Lawyers
- Woodbridge Personal Injury Lawyers
- Somerset County Personal Injury Lawyers
Edison Personal Injury Lawyers at the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr Help Accident Victims Recover the Compensation They Deserve
If you were hurt through no fault of your own, you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries, pain, and economic losses. Speak to the Edison personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr for further assistance. We help victims receive the compensation they deserve to move on with their lives. Call us today at 732-537-8570 or contact us online for a free consultation. Located in Highland Park, New Jersey, we serve clients in New Brunswick, Somerset, Piscataway, Edison, South River, Sayreville, Metuchen, East Brunswick, South Plainfield, Fords, Middlesex, Old Bridge, Iselin, Bound Brook, Perth Amboy, and Colonia.