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New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm

  • New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers | Memorial Day travel safety

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers Discuss Memorial Day Travel Safety According to a recent study by the National Coalition for Safer Roads, Memorial Day weekend is one of the most dangerous times to be on the roads. There are more drivers on the road, which correlates with an increase in The study conducted by the National Coalition for Safer Roads also found that there is a particularly high number of driver...
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  • Tips for Avoiding Motor Vehicle Accidents in Snowy and Icy Weather

    Mar 24, 2023

    Though winter storm Jonas has finished dumping snow on the East Coast, the residual effect will be with us for a while. Statistics show that the bulk of motor vehicle accidents occur in the winter months, with snow and ice the major cause of crashes. Here are some tips to help you minimize the risk of injury on snowy or icy roads. Clean Off Your Car Before You Hit the Road Not only is thi...
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  • What are the Long-Term Effects of a Car Accident? | Call 877-249-4600

    Mar 24, 2023

    What are the Long-Term Effects of a Car Accident? The long-term effects of a What Steps Should be Done after a Car Accident? First off, seek medical attention where necessary and get a full examination following the accident. This medical report will be crucial in court. During recovery, there may be visible cuts, scrapes, and bruises, but long-term effects normally appear later. This is usually due to the initial shock mos...
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  • Settling a Car Accident Privately | Highland Park Car Accident Lawyers

    Mar 24, 2023

    Can I Settle a Car Accident Privately? You are at a stoplight on your way to your destination, and your car gets rear-ended. Your vehicle is practically unscathed; however, the impact destroys the bumper of the other car. The prospects of settling the Is It Sensible to Settle Privately? Overall, privately settling a car accident without the advice of your insurance company or legal representation is not a smart thing t...
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  • New Brunswick Workers’ Compensation Lawyers | Workplace Technology

    Mar 24, 2023

    Technology Improves Worker Safety and Productivity Called the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” the introduction of robotics and other data-driven technology in the workplace is changing how humans approach their jobs. Robots and other automated technology can be used to take over dangerous job tasks from humans, to enhance their skills, and to provide data that helps workers do their jobs more safely and efficiently. Robots and Factory Work Factory work is often inherently dangerous...
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  • Dunkin’ Donuts Pays $522,000 to Settle Slip and Fall Claim

    Mar 24, 2023

    A Dunkin’ Donuts franchise has agreed to settle a personal injury lawsuit by a customer in Highland Park, New Jersey, allegedly paying the injured party more than half a million dollars. According to her attorney, Maria Marsala purchased coffee at the store in January, 2012. As she left the lobby to return to her car, she tripped over a metal rebar spike in the parking lot. As a result, she suffered burns from the coffee, as wel...
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  • What are the Dangers of Being Underinsured? | 877-249-4600

    Mar 24, 2023

    What are the Dangers of Being Underinsured?   There are a lot of bills that go hand in hand with modern life: wireless service plans for cell phones, car payments, and car insurance. These are all monthly costs many of us must build into our budgets. That does not mean we think the costs are reasonable, just that we must pay them to continue living and working today. With all these bills, consumers ar...
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  • Highland Park Workers' Compensation Lawyers | Benefits After Fired

    Mar 24, 2023

    Workers’ Compensation Benefits After Getting Fired Workers’ Compensation Legally, employers are not allowed to fire injured workers or they will be subject to a lawsuit for retaliation. Typically, employers will put injured workers on light duty or shift their job responsibilities to a lesser role to accommodate the injury if possible. In certain instances, a worker may be placed on permanent leave from a job due to a long-sustained injury. In this case, i...
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  • Slips and Falls in Winter Weather the Duty of Property Owners in New Jersey

    Mar 24, 2023

    In New Jersey, as in every other state, owners and managers of residential and commercial property have a duty to maintain the property so as to minimize the risk of injury to anyone legally on the property. The duty is not absolute, though—an owner/manager must take “reasonable” steps to both learn of potential safety risks and to either fix them or properly warn visitors of their presence. This concept is referred to as “premises liability....
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  • How Can You Avoid Work Injuries in the High Heat? | 732-537-8570

    Mar 24, 2023

    How Can You Avoid Work Injuries in the High Heat? High temperatures take a toll on the body, especially those working outside. Many workers fall ill yearly because of excessive heat and humid conditions; some have even died from extreme temperatures. Working in the heat is not only uncomfortable but is also dangerous to your health. Heat-related illnesses happen when a hot environment and the body releases heat more slowly. When the bod...
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$500 K

Car Accident With Government Vehicle

$845 K

Commercial Truck Accident

$500 K

School Bus Accident

$1 M

Pedestrian Accident


top 100 Awardtop 100 Award
Crime Victim Bar AwardCrime Victim Bar Award
American Association for Justice AwardAmerican Association for Justice Award
Middlesex County Bar AwardMiddlesex County Bar Award
NJ Bar AwardNJ Bar Award
distinguished awarddistinguished award
Brain Injury AwardBrain Injury Award
BBB AwardBBB Award
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"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."