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New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm

  • Every Fifteen Minutes Program | Highland Park Car Accident Lawyers

    Mar 24, 2023

    Every Fifteen Minutes Program There is no greater teacher than experience, and Highland Park High School in New Jersey is providing an experience to their students unlike any other. The high school’s, “Every Fifteen Minutes” program provides students with real life experience on the dangers, trauma, impact, and consequences of driving drunk or driving while texting. The “Every Fifteen Minutes” program is based on the statistic that one person dies every 15 minutes i...
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  • New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers | Safe Halloween

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers Offer Tips for a Safe Halloween Halloween Costumes are an important part of the tradition and often include wigs, masks, swords and other accessories. Make sure any type of imitation weapon that accompanies a costume is small and soft to prevent injury. Avoid masks; they can be distracting and obstruct a child’s vision while trick or treating. Superhero capes should not be too long, as they can lead t...
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  • New Brunswick Pedestrian Accident Lawyers | Fatalities Reach High Level

    Mar 24, 2023

    Pedestrian Accident Fatalities Reach High The number of annual These figures represent accidents involving people on foot and automobiles, and not all had occurred at designated crosswalks. Shockingly, about one-third of all crash fatalities that occurred in 2017 involved pedestrians. About half involved victims between the ages of 50 and 79. This could be due to several factors. Older Americans may have a harder time recovering from serious injuries than their younger counterpart...
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  • New Jersey Clergy Abuse Lawyers | Limitations Diocese Victims Fund  

    Mar 24, 2023

    Limitations of the Catholic Diocese Victims Compensation Fund In February, the five Catholic dioceses in New Jersey established a victims compensation fund called the Independent Victim Compensation Program. This fund was designed to provide compensation to eligible victims and survivors of childhood Religious Orders Religious orders and their members do not answer to any particular diocese even if some order members may be ordained, preside over mass, and offer sacraments. They als...
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  • Construction Workers Staying Safe at Work | Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr

    Mar 24, 2023

    How can Construction Workers Stay Safe at Work? Construction is an essential industry, but it presents unique hazards. There are 6.5 million people in the construction industry, and approximately half of these workers are injured every year. Most Each year, the To ensure the safety of all employees working in the construction field, important safety measures must be followed. Below are several useful tips aimed at helping construction workers avoi...
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  • New Brunswick Clergy Abuse Lawyers | The Lasting Effects Abuse  

    Mar 24, 2023

    The Lasting Effects of Clergy Abuse As we have seen by the many adult Abuse by priests, deacons, and youth leaders is incredibly devastating because children are taught to follow their moral example. Being violated by the men and women who represent their religion confuses their inherent sense of right and wrong. Where church was once a place of serenity and security, after abuse, it becomes a place associated with pain and sadness...
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  • DMV Point Reductions in New Jersey

    Mar 24, 2023

    In New Jersey, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) keeps track of your driving history through a point system. Whenever you are convicted of, or plead guilty to a moving violation, or certain personal injury-causing motor vehicle accidents, you are assessed a certain number of points. If you accumulate six or more points within a three year period, you will have to pay an additional fee to retain your driving privileges. If you get 1...
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  • Slips and Falls in Snow and Ice in New Jersey

    Mar 24, 2023

    In the aftermath of winter storm Jonas, you may have a lot of questions about who’s responsible when you slip and fall on steps, sidewalks or parking ramps. What about indoor surfaces that are wet and slippery from people tracking in snow? Here’s an overview of the responsibilities of property owners in inclement weather conditions. In New Jersey, as in all states, the owner of residential or commercial property has a duty to maintain th...
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  • Damages After Accident | New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers: Types of Damages Available After an Accident If you have been hurt in an The Types of Damages Available The different types of damages potentially available in a civil suit include: Compensatory damages General damages Punitive damages Contact the New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers at the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr At the office of To set us ...
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  • Piscataway Workers’ Compensation Lawyers | Common Workplace Injuries

    Mar 24, 2023

    Common Workplace Injuries Every working American faces risks each day they report to work. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimates close to three million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses are reported each year. While some industries pose higher risks than others, even a seemingly safe office job poses risks that can cause serious injuries and in some cases, death. What are the Five Most Common Workplace Injuries? Whether you are working o...
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$500 K

Car Accident With Government Vehicle

$845 K

Commercial Truck Accident

$500 K

School Bus Accident

$1 M

Pedestrian Accident


top 100 Awardtop 100 Award
Crime Victim Bar AwardCrime Victim Bar Award
American Association for Justice AwardAmerican Association for Justice Award
Middlesex County Bar AwardMiddlesex County Bar Award
NJ Bar AwardNJ Bar Award
distinguished awarddistinguished award
Brain Injury AwardBrain Injury Award
BBB AwardBBB Award
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"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."