New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm
- Piscataway Car Accident Lawyers | Displays and Distracted Driving
Mar 24, 2023
Car Displays and Distracted Driving Over 3,400 people were fatally injured and 391,000 people were injured in Types of Distractions Texting has proven to be the most dangerous distraction, causing drivers to take their eyes off the road for approximately five seconds. A new study conducted by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reveals that hands-free, in-vehicle technologies are also extremely distracting, both visually and mentally. A spokeswoman for AAA Mid-Atlantic report...Read More - What Types of Slip and Fall Accidents Occur in the Spring?
Mar 24, 2023
What Types of Slip and Fall Accidents Happen in the Spring? When people think of Property owners are responsible to make sure their premises are safe for visitors. When a property owner allows a dangerous condition to exist and a guest or customer is injured, then they are responsible for those injuries. Just because the weather is warmer, does not negate a property owner’s responsibility to keep their premises safe. Ther...Read More - Common Slip and Fall Injuries
Mar 24, 2023
Common Injuries from Slip and Falls For many, it is entirely possible to trip where no hazard exists. While no two slip and fall accidents are quite the same, unsuspecting Common Injuries Sustained in Slip and Falls Just as certain hazards are more likely than others to result in a slip and fall accident, those who are involved in an accident are prone to suffer certain injuries. As a victi...Read More - What Common Electrical Accidents Happen on Construction Sites?
Mar 24, 2023
What Common Electrical Accidents Can Happen on Construction Sites? Electricity is an essential part of construction, powering tools, lights, and other systems. However, it is also dangerous and must be used with caution. Workers may suffer permanent damage due to inadequate electrical safety precautions. Some common types of electrical workplace accidents are listed below. Power Line Accidents Overhead and buried power lines are not always visible on construction sites. Employees workin...Read More - Black Friday Slip and Fall Hazards | Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr
Mar 24, 2023
What Are Common Black Friday Slip and Fall Hazards? Black Friday is the busiest retail day of the year. It is the traditional start of the Christmas shopping season. Big-box retailers and other stores often provide customers with special pricing on desirable goods, like TVs and other popular gift items. These deals typically result in busy stores with full parking lots and aisles packed with customers. More people buying more items adds up t...Read More - New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyer | Dangerous Guardrails
Mar 24, 2023
Dangerous Guardrails As Tennessee prepares to spend millions of dollars removing and replacing over 1,500 hazardous guardrail ends, other states may soon follow suit. Numerous Representatives of the X-LITE manufacturer claim that the guardrail ends perform exactly as designed upon impact. Opponents of the use of the X-LITE on high-speed highways say that not only do they fail to absorb the impact in serious Functionality The majority of guardrails ar...Read More - Piscataway Workers’ Compensation Lawyers | Stray Workplace Safety
Mar 24, 2023
Men Stray from Workplace Safety When it comes to Since more men occupy high risk roles at work, it would stand to reason that employers would have stringent safety procedures to protect them. In fact, researchers were shocked to find out that often the most basic safety measures were lacking. If workers lack the knowledge and information they need to perform their dangerous jobs safely, then workplace accidents will happen. To be complian...Read More - Construction Workers Staying Safe at Work | Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr
Mar 24, 2023
How can Construction Workers Stay Safe at Work? Construction is an essential industry, but it presents unique hazards. There are 6.5 million people in the construction industry, and approximately half of these workers are injured every year. Most Each year, the To ensure the safety of all employees working in the construction field, important safety measures must be followed. Below are several useful tips aimed at helping construction workers avoi...Read More - New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers | Distracted Driving Ban
Mar 24, 2023
New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers: Proposed Distracted-Driving Ban When New Jersey State Assemblyman John Wisniewski recently reintroduced a three-year-old bill that would fine The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2014, distracted driving caused 18 percent of Opponents of the bill say it is too invasive. They believe our vehicles are our personal space, and Americans do not need to be castigated in their own cars. Those challengin...Read More - New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers | Dangerous Curvy Road Accidents
Mar 24, 2023
Town Council Wants Dangerous Curvy Road Straightened In West Milford, New Jersey, town and state officials are at odds over whether a curvy stretch of road should be straightened, and who should pay for the construction. The New Jersey Department of Transportation approved a plan that included paving a two-mile length on Route 23 and removing one of several U-turns along the highway. The West Milford Town Council responded by unanimously defeatin...Read More
$500 K
Car Accident With Government Vehicle
$845 K
Commercial Truck Accident
$500 K
School Bus Accident
$1 M
Pedestrian Accident
"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."