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New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm

  • Back to School Safety Tips for Students | Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr

    Mar 24, 2023

    What are Some Back to School Safety Tips for Students? Although high school and grade school students will be returning to class in a few weeks, college students are heading back now. A significant number of them will live on campus, and a good number will be commute into school daily or walk to school from their off-campus apartment. Regardless of how your son or daughter gets themselves to class, have a tal...
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  • Can Tire Blowouts Cause Truck Accidents? | Manufacturing defects

    Mar 24, 2023

    Can Tire Blowouts Cause Truck Accidents? While traveling along highways throughout the United States, it is not uncommon to come across the sight of a shredded tire along the side of the road. A blowout is a terrifying experience. Now, imagine for a moment that that strip of blown out tire material came from a giant commercial truck. A tire blowout on any vehicle puts the driver at risk, as well as any passenger...
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  • Dog Bite Cases in New Jersey

    Mar 24, 2023

    Strict Liability in New Jersey Dog Bite Cases New Jersey follows strict liability when it comes to Victims should make sure to obtain the contact information of the owner of the dog and any potential witnesses. If possible, a victim should try to obtain the insurance information of the dog’s owner. It is typically that homeowners and renter’s insurance policies cover such injuries. Also, the dog bite victim should make sure t...
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  • What Should I Know About Liability in a Dog Bite Case? | Harold J. Gerr

    Mar 24, 2023

    What Should I Know About Liability in a Dog Bite Case? Although it is extremely rewarding, being a dog owner is a tremendous responsibility to take on and does not come without its risks. When someone declares ownership of a dog, they are responsible for their grooming, training, and care. A dog owner also has to prevent their pet from hurting others. However, In New Jersey, dog bite laws fall into th...
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  • How Can Warehouse Safety Be Improved? Call | 732-537-8570 |

    Mar 24, 2023

    How Can Warehouse Safety Be Improved?   Warehouse work can be dangerous. Many different kinds of accidents can happen in this environment. Fortunately, there are improvements available to prevent some of the most common types of Below are some ways both warehouse employers and employees can help prevent accidents and injuries. Prevent Wet Floors The One way to prevent wet floors on loading docks is to ensure there i...
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  • What Are the Most Common Work Injuries in the Supply Chain?

    Mar 24, 2023

    What Are Common Work Injuries in the Supply Chain?   The supply chain is heavily reliant upon warehouses to temporarily hold goods that are intended for market. Products are trucked in for workers to move to a temporary location until they are ready for final distribution to retailers. Recent supply chain disruptions emphasize the importance of the supply chain for everyday people. Although the supply chain’s importance is well-known to most people, the accident...
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  • How Can Scaffolding Accidents Be Prevented? | Call 877-249-4600

    Mar 24, 2023

    How Can Scaffolding Accidents Be Prevented?   The U.S. OSHA identifies routine types of scaffolds: supported scaffolds, which contain of one or more platforms maintained by rigid, weight-bearing members such as poles, legs, frames, outriggers, and other supports; and suspended scaffolds, which are comprised of one or more platforms suspended by lines or other non-rigid, overhead support. It is worth noting that scissor lifts and aerial lifts can be considered as othe...
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  • Rollover Car Accidents with a Sunroof | Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr

    Mar 24, 2023

    Are Rollover Car Accidents with a Sunroof More Dangerous?   Many drivers appreciate having a sunroof to add a sense of openness to the interior of a car or SUV. Whether or not the sunroof opens or remains closed all the time, it can add to the aesthetics and comfort of a short errand or a long trip. However, a big question pops up from time to time: Do panoramic sunroofs put drivers an...
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  • New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers | Textalyzer for Distracted Driving

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers: Textalyzer for Distracted Driving   A New York man who lost his college-age son in a The grieving father, Ben Lieberman, suspected that the driver in the crash that killed his son had been using his cell phone at the time. He tried for months to obtain the driver’s cell phone records, only to find out that the phone was sitting in a junkyard. Police had never eve...
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  • What if a Defective Chainsaw Caused a Work Injury | Call 732-537-8570

    Mar 24, 2023

    What Should I Do if a Defective Chainsaw Caused My Work Injury? Consumers in the United States buy more than three million chainsaws every year and suffer more than 28,000 chainsaw-related injuries. The majority of those injuries harm the user’s hands and lower extremities. About 10 percent of chainsaw injuries are potentially deadly when they occur to the neck or head, but deadly chainsaw accidents are rare. Most result in injuries that could b...
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$500 K

Car Accident With Government Vehicle

$845 K

Commercial Truck Accident

$500 K

School Bus Accident

$1 M

Pedestrian Accident


top 100 Awardtop 100 Award
Crime Victim Bar AwardCrime Victim Bar Award
American Association for Justice AwardAmerican Association for Justice Award
Middlesex County Bar AwardMiddlesex County Bar Award
NJ Bar AwardNJ Bar Award
distinguished awarddistinguished award
Brain Injury AwardBrain Injury Award
BBB AwardBBB Award
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"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."