New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm
- Is Anosmia a Symptom of a TBI? | Highland Park Car Accident Lawyers
Mar 24, 2023
Is Anosmia a Symptom of a TBI? Anosmia is defined as the partial or complete loss of smell, and it can occur as the result of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our sense of smell is a function of the nerve pathway from the receptors inside the nose that send messages to the brain. Any damage to this pathway can affect the ability to smell and detect odors. The ability to smell has a direc...Read More - Piscataway Slip & Fall Lawyers | Backyard Trampoline Injuries
Mar 24, 2023
Backyard Trampoline Injuries Trampoline injuries have accounted for as many as 100,000 emergency room visits every year, as of 2016. Doctors see broken bones, strains, neck, spine, and head injuries caused by accidents on backyard trampolines. Children’s injuries account for more than 90 percent of fractured bones from trampoline use. When multiple kids use a trampoline, the risk of injury increases. Common causes of trampoline accidents include: Falling off the trampoline Collidin...Read More - New Brunswick Workers’ Compensation Lawyers | Telemedicine
Mar 24, 2023
Telemedicine and Workers’ Compensation The rise of telemedicine has many wondering whether it can help reduce costs associated with What is Telemedicine? The broader term, telehealth, refers to a broad range of technologies that promote patient care and make the administration of treatment more cost-effective via technology. Telemedicine specifically refers to remote clinical treatment. Health care providers can now evaluate patients, diagnose ailments, and treat patients remotely by viewing uploaded photos an...Read More - Drowsy Driving and Truck Accidents | Piscataway Truck Accident Lawyers
Mar 24, 2023
Drowsy Driving and Truck Accidents Fatigue affects drivers in much the same way alcohol does. It slows reaction time, impairs motor skills, and disrupts the driver’s ability to make smart decisions. The AAA Foundation estimates that drowsy driving is to blame for around 16 percent of all fatal motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. A sleepy driver behind the wheel of a passenger car or van is dangerous enough; when that driver is operatin...Read More - Parking Lot Accidents | New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers
Mar 24, 2023
New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers: Parking Lot Accidents – Car and Pedestrians in Possible Peril Parking lots can be more dangerous than you think, and accidents are far more common than most of us imagine. One of every five crashes takes place People for the most part aren’t paying attention to the actual road in parking lots. They mistake the lack of stoplights and stop signs for safety, and relax their defensive drivin...Read More - Passaic Slip and Fall Lawyers | Sidewalk Injuries | 732-537-8570
Mar 24, 2023
Sidewalk Injuries Pedestrians use sidewalks every day without thinking about the risks involved. Most sidewalks are made of concrete and any kind of Common Causes of Sidewalk Injuries There are many different causes of sidewalk injuries. A small crack can be enough to cause a slip and fall accident if it leaves the surface uneven. Large cracks and potholes can develop from tree roots and degrading materials. Any debris, whether natural, lik...Read More - Common Causes of Car Accidents | 732-537-8570
Mar 24, 2023
What are Common Causes of Car Accidents? On average, there are approximately six million Drivers have a duty of care to other motorists on the road. When a driver breaches this duty of care and it results in an accident, they can be held liable for any damages that result. A driver can breach this duty of care in many ways, including Distracted Driving When a person is behin...Read More - Teen Drivers and Passengers - Always Buckle Up
Mar 24, 2023
Why Must Teen Drivers and Passengers Always Buckle Up? Studies show that Medical researchers analyzed data on more than 34,000 U.S. teens under age 18 who suffered spinal fractures between 2009 and 2014. Teens aged 15 to 17 had nearly 63 percent of those fractures, two-thirds of which were caused by car accidents. Spinal fractures can cause short- and long-term disabilities and problems with thinking, walking, moving, and breathing. These statistics ar...Read More - Slip and Fall Accidents at Grocery Stores | Law Offices of Harold Gerr
Mar 24, 2023
What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents at Grocery Stores? Running to the grocery store or supermarket for necessities is one of the most common activities nearly everyone must do. Some make multiple visits per week. Lists in hand, most of us are focused the best path through the store and what we need to purchase without giving a thought to the potential dangers we may encounter. All property owners have a legal responsibilit...Read More - Highland Park Personal Injury Lawyers | Happy Diwali | Harold Gerr
Mar 24, 2023
Happy Diwali At the Our offices serve the Indian, Chinese and other communities. Our attorneys and staff are multi-lingual including fluent in Gujarati and Chinese. For more information, or to discuss specific details of your case, call ou...Read More
$500 K
Car Accident With Government Vehicle
$845 K
Commercial Truck Accident
$500 K
School Bus Accident
$1 M
Pedestrian Accident

"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."