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New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm

  • Highland Park Personal Injury Lawyers | Anosmia: Part of a Head Injury

    Mar 24, 2023

    Anosmia: The Hidden Part of a Head Injury Written by:  Anosmia is the loss of the sense of smell. People with a traumatic brain injury will sometimes notice that their food has very little taste which is because the sense of smell and the sense of taste work together. Doctors believe that a brain injury damages smell fibers linking the brain to the olfactory nerve causing problems with the sense of smell an...
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  • New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers | Whiplash & Other Injuries

    Mar 24, 2023

    Whiplash and Other Car Accidents Injuries Of all the different types of For most victims, the signs of whiplash become prevalent a day or so after the accident. Aside from the obvious neck pain, there can also be back, shoulder or arm pain, headaches and dizziness, muscle spasms, stiffness and restricted movement, nausea, and lethargy. After the Car Accident Anyone that has experienced a motor vehicle crash should be medically evaluate...
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  • New Brunswick Auto Accident Lawyers | Public Transit Accidents

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Brunswick Auto Accident Lawyers: Distracted Driving Increasingly at Fault in Public Transit Accidents More Public Transit Accidents the Cause of Distracted Driving A recent study conducted by USA Today indicates that someone is hurt in a A report for the Pew Charitable Trust lists a variety of distractions that have been attributed to cause A bus driver Train and bus operators A bus driver A trai...
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  • New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers | Outdated Safety Regulations

    Mar 24, 2023

    Outdated Safety Regulations Threaten Autonomous Vehicles Self-driving cars are quickly becoming a reality on American roads. Many people are optimistic about this change, hoping that it will make the roads safer for everyone by eliminating dangers associated with However, the speed with which the technology is developing is outpacing the speed at which our laws can adapt to address these changes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly half o...
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  • New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers | Recovering Damages from Uninsured Driver

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Jersey Car Accident Lawyers: Recovering Damages When the Other Driver is Uninsured When you have been hurt in a motor vehicle accident, the first place you typically look for compensation is from the wrongdoer’s automobile insurance carrier. What happens though, if the other party is driving without insurance (or with only minimal insurance, inadequate to cover your losses)? Are you simply out of luck? The answer is generally no. Under the no-fault insuranc...
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  • New Brunswick Construction Accident Lawyers | Winter Site Hazards

    Mar 24, 2023

    Winter Construction Site Hazards Construction Slips, Trips, and Falls It is imperative to remove snow from walkways, parking lots, and work surfaces at construction sites to prevent Frigid Temperatures Exposure to freezing and cold temperatures can have serious consequences and even cause fatality. Hypothermia Frostbite: Winter Driving Accidents Ice and snow on the road make driving conditions treacherous. Construction sites typically have unpaved and muddy road...
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  • Highland Park Car Accident Lawyers | Parents More Likely to Text & Drive

    Mar 24, 2023

    Parents More Likely to Text and Drive Than Teens Many parents warn their teen drivers of the dangers of Texting While Driving is Distracted Driving Distracted driving covers a wide range of driving behaviors that result in a driver’s attention being diverted from the road. Changing a radio station dial, eating or drinking, brushing one’s hair, applying makeup, turning to have a conversation with a passenger, and checking a map are al...
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  • Authorities Consider Ways to Address Truck Driver Fatigue

    Mar 24, 2023

    Citing statistics that show a gradual increase in fatigue-related truck accidents, officials at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are considering revisions to the regulations governing how much time drivers may spend on the road, both continuously and over a given period of time. With more than 5,000 deaths annually from truck-related accidents, and with an estimated one-third of truck accident fatalities tied to driver fatigue, the NHTSA is examining new regulations to minimiz...
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  • Injured by Fireworks | New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers

    Mar 24, 2023

    What Are Your Rights If You Are Injured by Fireworks? Protecting Your Legal Rights after You Have Been Injured by Fireworks It seems that fireworks are not just for holidays anymore. The ready availability of all types of firecrackers, sparklers and rockets has people using them for birthday celebrations, anniversaries and sometimes purely for entertainment. But they are inherently dangerous items that can cause serious injury if used without reasonable care. If you o...
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  • Carpal Tunnel Injuries | The Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr

    Mar 24, 2023

    Carpal Tunnel Injuries Workers’ Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Injuries and Repetitive Motion Injuries In the modern workplace, from the factory to the office, more and more people are sustaining injuries resulting from repetitive stress or motion (or even lack of motion). According to studies, more than half of all job-related injuries are now categorized as repetitive stress injuries. Here are some of the most common: Assembly line injuries Fixed-position injuries Carpa...
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$500 K

Car Accident With Government Vehicle

$845 K

Commercial Truck Accident

$500 K

School Bus Accident

$1 M

Pedestrian Accident


top 100 Awardtop 100 Award
Crime Victim Bar AwardCrime Victim Bar Award
American Association for Justice AwardAmerican Association for Justice Award
Middlesex County Bar AwardMiddlesex County Bar Award
NJ Bar AwardNJ Bar Award
distinguished awarddistinguished award
Brain Injury AwardBrain Injury Award
BBB AwardBBB Award
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"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."