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New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm

  • New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers | Firearm Injuries | Harold J. Gerr

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers: Firearms Injuries Your Rights after a Gun Injury When you or someone you love has been injured because the discharge of a weapon, knowing that the perpetrator has been criminally prosecuted can go a long way toward giving you peace of mind. However, it won’t help you address any financial losses suffered as a result. You can take legal action to pursue full and fair compensation for any injurie...
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  • How Can Drivers Stay Safe This Fall? Call | 732-537-8570 |

    Mar 24, 2023

    How Can Drivers Stay Safe This Fall? While you might think that the summer and winter driving seasons are riskier because of increased vacation and holiday traffic, autumn also presents hazards. Defensive driving keeps everyone safer throughout the year, and the following are tips to help you get through the fall driving season without getting into a Daylight saving time (DST) ends on Nov. 6, 2022, and like every year, it take...
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  • New Brunswick Personal Injury Lawyers | Dog Bite Injuries | 732-537-8570

    Mar 24, 2023

    Dog Bite Injuries There are many types of injuries relating to Dogs are unpredictable, and even a pet that we trust can bite when they become frightened, stressed, or hurt. Injuries to the face from a dog bite can lead to disfiguring scars and damage to tissue, muscles, tendons, and blood vessels that cover the face. When a dog attacks, it is a natural instinct to push the animal away. Injuries suc...
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  • Highland Park Truck Accident Lawyers | Overweight & Overloaded Accidents

    Mar 24, 2023

    Overweight and Overloaded Truck Accidents As we rely on online shopping to meet our needs, the number of trucks on the roads is increasing, resulting in more When a truck is manufactured, it is issued a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR). This number, displayed on the back plate of every truck, is the maximum weight a truck should carry. Although truck drivers are expected to make routine weight checks at weigh stations, i...
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  • Highland Park Product Liability Lawyers | Essure Recall | 732-537-8570

    Mar 24, 2023

    Essure Recall   Pharmaceutical industry leader, Bayer, recently announced that it will be discontinuing the sale of its Essure System for Permanent Birth Control at the end of this year. The company insists that the decision is based on declining sales and is not related to reports of adverse incidents and dangerous side effects associated with the product. The Essure System is the only non-surgical device approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA...
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  • Holiday Season | Parking Lot Slip and Fall Injuries

    Mar 24, 2023

    Slip and Fall Injuries in Parking Lots During the Holiday Season The holiday season is a time for celebration. It is a time for families to come together and be thankful for what they have and to show each other how much they care. However, the holiday season also brings some added risks. Being aware of the dangers can help to maintain a happy holiday. When accidents do happen, knowing what to do i...
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  • What Are the Most Dangerous Jobs? | Contact Us Online

    Mar 24, 2023

    What Are the Most Dangerous Jobs? When determining the most dangerous jobs, you may wonder how to rate the different criteria. Should you rate the jobs based on the number of injuries? Should you rate the jobs based on the number of work-related fatalities? This discussion looks at the jobs with the most fatalities. The most dangerous jobs in the United States are those that involve working with or around hazardous materials. According t...
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  • Safety Tips for Working in Cold Weather | Call 732-537-8570 |

    Mar 24, 2023

    Safety Tips for Working in Cold Weather From slip and fall accidents to cold stress, winter weather can cause serious injuries and even death to those exposed to the elements. Now that winter is approaching, business owners and their employees would benefit greatly from reviewing some safety guidelines to protect themselves and each other from the wintery conditions. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2017, there were over 20,000 work-relate...
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  • Piscataway Car Accident Lawyers | Medication May Impair Driving

    Mar 24, 2023

    Medication May Impair Driving Driver education training teaches soon-to-be drivers that alcohol and illegal drugs impair vision, reflexes, and decision-making. However, many popular over-the-counter and prescription medications affect driving the same way that alcohol does. In certain states, drivers impaired by legal medication can be charged with Current Research on Medication and Driving Researchers at West Virginia University studied data collected from more than 7,400 drivers throughout the country. Drivers answered question...
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  • New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Rates Essentially Unchanged in 2016

    Mar 24, 2023

    New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Rates Essentially Unchanged in 2016 The Benefits Changes The bureau reported that there will be slight changes in the amount of benefits paid in 2016, though. An applicant for workers’ compensation benefits who is determined to have permanent, but partial disability, will qualify for a maximum weekly benefit of $232 to $871, up from $228 to $855 in 2015. The weekly benefit is based on a formula tha...
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$500 K

Car Accident With Government Vehicle

$845 K

Commercial Truck Accident

$500 K

School Bus Accident

$1 M

Pedestrian Accident


top 100 Awardtop 100 Award
Crime Victim Bar AwardCrime Victim Bar Award
American Association for Justice AwardAmerican Association for Justice Award
Middlesex County Bar AwardMiddlesex County Bar Award
NJ Bar AwardNJ Bar Award
distinguished awarddistinguished award
Brain Injury AwardBrain Injury Award
BBB AwardBBB Award
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"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."