New Jersey Personal Injury Law Firm
- New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers | Distracted Driving Awareness
Mar 24, 2023
Distracted Driving Awareness Month Distracted driving April has been designated as Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the National Safety Council is offering resources and materials to help reduce the number of deaths each year related to this dangerous behavior. Visitors to the NSC website can find fact sheets and statistics, as well as educational and promotional resources to help spread the word on the causes and dangers of distracted driving. Causes of Distracte...Read More - Newark Archdiocese Priest Accused of Sexual Abuse
Mar 24, 2023
Lawsuit Filed Against Newark Archdiocese Priest for Alleged Sexual Abuse On Friday, a lawsuit was filed against a Newark Archdiocese priest for the alleged Survivors of clergy abuse suffer from significant trauma in the form of drug dependencies, depression, and suicidal tendencies, for example. A great part of the emotional distress they may experience may come from the dismissal of their claims of abuse and their fear in speaking out against the churc...Read More - New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyers | Unlicensed Doctor
Mar 24, 2023
New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyers discuss Unlicensed Doctor now Practicing in VA One of the latest cases of His license was suspended in New Jersey in 2010 after the state board determined that his clinic had administered grossly negligent care to five patients. Brigham was also disciplined by the New York Health Department for botching a 26th week late-term abortion. The patient, according to a New Yorker article, had bled out fo...Read More - NJ Slip and Fall Lawyers | Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents | Infographic
Mar 24, 2023
Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents – Infographic Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common causes of injury in the United States. Every year, While one’s own carelessness can cause a slip and fall accident, many incidents are due to the negligence of the business or property owner. The most common causes of slips and falls include debris-strewn floors, unsafe stairs, snow- or ice-covered walkways, uneven or cracked pavement, tor...Read More - New Jersey Workplace Injury Lawyers | Vocational Rehabilitation
Mar 24, 2023
New Jersey Workplace Injury Lawyers: Helping Pursue Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits 我們講中國 | ونحن نتكلم اللغة العربية | Chinese | Arabic | Korean | Se Habla Español If you have been Vocational counseling and guidance Job placement and coaching Skills training Physical therapy Emotional counseling Benefits for vehicle and home modifications The process by which these benefits are obtained can be daunting and confusing. The office o...Read More - Carpal Tunnel Injuries | The Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr
Mar 24, 2023
Carpal Tunnel Injuries Workers’ Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Injuries and Repetitive Motion Injuries In the modern workplace, from the factory to the office, more and more people are sustaining injuries resulting from repetitive stress or motion (or even lack of motion). According to studies, more than half of all job-related injuries are now categorized as repetitive stress injuries. Here are some of the most common: Assembly line injuries Fixed-position injuries Carpa...Read More - Loss of Use | New Jersey Workers' Compensation Lawyers
Mar 24, 2023
Loss of Use – Workers’ Compensation If you have suffered an injury that involved permanent loss of use of a part of your body, you could potentially be eligible to receive additional payments from workers’ compensation. Those who have suffered permanent injuries to hands, feet, legs, toes, or other extremities, can potentially be given a Scheduled Loss of Use Award. Those who have suffered on-the-job injuries involving the torso, back, head, or neck, have wha...Read More - New Brunswick Clergy Abuse Lawyers | Erin’s Law | Free Consultations
Mar 24, 2023
Erin’s Law The New Jersey Senate recently passed legislation that would incorporate mandatory sex abuse education in New Jersey school curricula. The legislation, sponsored by Senator Anthony Bucco, is named after a childhood sexual abuse survivor. If signed by the governor, Erin’s Law would require New Jersey schools to incorporate sexual abuse awareness and prevention education for children in preschool through grade 12. What is Erin’s Law? Erin’s Law would educate children o...Read More - Piscataway Car Accident Lawyers | Millennials and Distracted Driving
Mar 24, 2023
Millennials and Distracted Driving Every day in America, nearly 100 people lose their lives in Driving distractions have long been known to be a cause of many fatal accidents. This is because distractions reduce the time needed to react to a dangerous situation on the highway. When a driver is distracted and a situation requires quick braking or a change in course, seconds matter. At 60 mph, a car travels 88 feet i...Read More - New Brunswick Clergy Abuse Lawyers | Allegations Not Limited to Children
Mar 24, 2023
Clergy Abuse Allegations Not Limited to Children The world is watching to see what the Catholic church will do next after Pope Francis announced that What We Know About Nun Abuse Because the facts regarding nun abuse at the hands of bishops and priests is only starting to come to light, we do not know the full details. However, we can piece together some thought-provoking items based on the Pope’s remarks, a...Read More
$500 K
Car Accident With Government Vehicle
$845 K
Commercial Truck Accident
$500 K
School Bus Accident
$1 M
Pedestrian Accident

"Mr. Gerr helped me a great deal following a head injury I incurred. He was knowledgeable, competent, kind and reassuring. I highly recommend him."