New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyers: The Impact of Winter Weather on Motor Vehicle Accidents
Study Shows That Wet Pavement is Key Factor in Accidents
In the aftermath of a number of multi-car pileups in snowy conditions in several states, questions have been posed regarding the potential risks of driving in winter weather. Surprisingly, a 10 year study by the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), shows that while the vast majority of weather-related truck, car and motorcycle accidents occur when roadways are wet, significantly more crashes happen during rainy weather, as opposed to snowy or icy weather.
In the study, which looked at statistics for the years 2002 through 2012, wet pavement or surfaces was a key factor in nearly three out of four accidents (74%). Four out of five weather-related injuries resulted from wet or slippery roadways, and 77% of weather-related traffic deaths happened on wet pavement.
However, when looking at the percentages of weather-related accidents that occurred in rainy, as opposed to snowy/icy conditions, the study showed that nearly half of all such accidents happened when it was raining, or in the wake of a rainstorm (46%). Less than one-third (29%) of weather-related crashes occurred in snowy or icy conditions.
Officials contend, though, that these numbers can be a little misleading. Because they look at statistics nationwide, they don’t accurately account for the fact that many states in the south seldom, if ever, have to deal with snowy or icy conditions. Furthermore, the statistics look at the year as a whole. Even in many places in the far north, snowy or icy conditions are not present for more than about three to four months per year.
Contact the New Brunswick Car Accident Lawyers at the Law Offices of Harold J. Gerr
At our office, we bring more than 40 years of experience to injured people throughout central New Jersey, including people who have been injured in mass transit and commercial vehicle accidents. We carefully choose the cases we handle, so that we can provide the highest levels of service and personal attention to each client. We are also happy to take over your case, if your first lawyer does not seem to have your best interests in mind.
To set us a free initial consultation, send us an e-mail or call our office at 732-537-8570 (toll-free at 1-877-249-4600).